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Take a Hike in 2018

  • Take a Hike in 2018

The year 2018 is almost here and what better way than to start the new year off with a healthy activity such as a hike at Mt. Jefferson State Natural Area.

Rising abruptly to more than 1,600 feet above the surrounding landscape, Mount Jefferson is often first viewed at a distance from the Blue Ridge Parkway and is a national natural landmark with a rich history. Five hiking trails allow exploration of rare geology and plant communities in Mount Jefferson State Natural Area, including a child-friendly TRACK trail and a strenuous scramble along the mountain’s ridgeline. Overlooks offer vistas into neighboring states. And you can enjoy off of this right here in West Jefferson!

On January 1st, 2018, meet the ranger for a New Year's Day hike to Luther Rock for some amazing views along the ridgeline. This will be a one-mile hike round trip.

Date: Monday, January 1, 2018
When: 2:00pm
Start Location: Picnic Area
Where: 1481 Mt Jefferson State Park Rd
West Jefferson, NC 
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